Problem Solving

How to fix the "Pro Tools ran out of memory while scanning the plug ins folder error message."

The "Pro Tools ran out of memory while scanning the plug ins folder error message" is one that will stop you dead in your tracks because it won't let you even get to the session dialogue box to open or create a new session.

Good news though, I figured out how to fix it and I hope you'll find it is the solution for you as well!

Pro Tools Crashes / Won't Open(4 Ways to Fix It!)

There’s nothing worst than a good ol’ Pro Tools crash fest. Usually when it crashes, you can relaunch and get back to work without too much of a hassle. Other times, things get way out of sorts and you just can’t get your session to open again.

If that’s what you’re up against, watch this video and one of these 4 options should get you back up and running!